Community Housing Association

About Us

Oaklawn Community Housing complex was officially opened on the 30th of September, 2006 and all of the houses are currently occupied. There are 9 houses in the complex and a Community Centre (No. 10). The houses are warm and comfortable and nicely situated close to the village. They are suitable for elderly people who may wish to move to a more secure environment but remain in the community they are familiar with. During the year the Housing Association hold social gatherings in No. 10 Oaklawn, which everyone is welcome to attend. If you wish to organise a gathering at the Centre, please contact the Community Office on 022-25777.

Kildorrery Community Development

Kildorrery Community Development CLG
Main Street
Kildorrery P67HX49
Co. Cork, Ireland

Monday to Friday 
+353 (0)22 25777

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